"We Help Children and Families in Crisis"

Crisis Phone: 866-7-HELP-ME
Office Phone: (717)428-3140

Children and Families
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Families Renewed, Inc.
644 Shrewsbury Commons Avenue, #261
Shrewsbury, PA 17361


Brianna Ann Dorgan (Bri) was born Tuesday, March 8, 2005 to Matthew (Matt) and April Dorgan. Bri was always in a hurry, so she didn't wait for the doctor to get there. As the nurse called for the doctor, April pushed and Matt caught Bri in his arms.

While Bri clung tightly to her mom, she was a daddy's girl from the time she was born and had daddy wrapped around her little finger. She seemed like the happiest go luckiest kid in the world. When they went on vacations, Bri was always the one to go out and make new friends. In fact, one friend she made, while they were vacationing in Myrtle Beach, became a long term friend in a friendship that lasted well into Bri's teen years. She was always smiling and looking to brighten up the day for someone else.

When Bri was 6 years old, Matt and April separated. April moved to North Carolina taking Bri and her younger brother John with her. Matt only had limited visitation during the year because of his work schedule in law enforcement. Since he only had one weekend off a month, he would spend time with Bri during that weekend then have her for the majority of the summer.